
Split Falls

Hello . This is Deby speaking (and writing)
So today I was wondering to myself on whether or not I should start blogging again and here I am..well, blogging.
As much as I miss blogging, I really don't know what to say right now.
I think the reason behind going back to blogging is because I feel like my English is getting a bit off.
I've been in Australia for a year, I can say that I'm pretty much comfortable talking in English now but writing is just hard for me. But I'll try my best to keep this blog going.

So, my hair has been growing. I no longer have that short-bob hair I used to have back in high school. And I permed my hair twice already. I was pretty satisfied with the result. It's not really curly "curly" , it's more like a natural wave.
 this was the stage where my hair was really really curly
 and this is the most recent haircut I got to get rid of all the splitends I'm having due to the perm. I was pissed because I never had any problem with splitends until recently.

That's why my hair is going through its resurrection process. I should be going to the salon to get my annual perm, but I think my hair need some rest not just because of the split ends, but also because of hair fall! My neighbor told me to get some hair treatment so I bought myself a hair mask and I'm using it twice a week ad so far it's looking pretty good. I just hope the hair fall will be minimized too.. Anyone have any suggestion to stop hair fall??

Maybe that's all for tonight Must get some rest before tomorrow's morning class.
Wow. This is such a lame first post.
I'm talking about.. hair o_o 

See you later!

ps. My friend and I just joined the gym at Deakin YMCA and we will go to their ZUMBA class tomorrow ! LOL. Let's see what will happen !

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